Many Chat

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Why We Built Manychat

At Manychat, we want to help small businesses grow by simplifying “the marketing stuff” for them, and we believe that this will make the world a better place.


We believe that every entrepreneur has a unique story to offer the world, be it serving a delicious meal, teaching a skill they’ve mastered, or selling a handcrafted product online.

Business Owners Know How to Do Their Thing

But they’re not always experts at the marketing stuff: launching campaigns, acquiring leads, or optimizing funnels.

The Marketing Stuff

If you don’t do the marketing stuff right it can break your business. For small businesses, it’s not a job, it’s personal. It’s their lives. It’s how they provide for themselves and their families.

We’re here to make marketing and growth easier for business owners so they grow as big as their dreams. So they have more energy and focus to hone their craft, tell their story, and build lasting relationships with their customers.

That’s why we do what we do. Our mission is to help businesses succeed by providing the best marketing tools and growth strategies tailored to their individual needs.

Many Chat, are passionate about helping business owners create strong brands with a recognisable voice and define clear-cut goals so they reach their full potential. We understand that it takes hard work and dedication to build something great and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

We believe success isn’t just measured in revenue but also satisfaction – meaning how much value your customers get from what you do. That’s why our goal is to make sure that regardless of the size of your business, you have access to everything you need for success, including industry-leading advice, tools, and resources. With our help, you can craft an authentic brand identity for your business that stands out in the marketplace and brings customers back time and again. We’ll help you find the right keywords to target, create marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience, track results and refine strategies for maximum returns. So if you are ready to take control of your success journey and reap the rewards.


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